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Healy device

Vibrations for fans of a healthy lifestyle

Vibrations for fans of a healthy lifestyle

Healy – completely new way in medicine!
Healy – portable local doctor, without any chemicals!
Healy – just your smartphone and your Healy accessory!


Healy – unique diagnostic method that allows you to determine source of disease with 100% accuracy!
Healy – therapy of over 5500 diseases!
Healy – emergency ache relief, cleansing body of toxins, restoring vitality, performance, stress relief and recreation!

Quantum Diagnostics

Healy – officially registered and authorized accessory in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia!
Healy – Vibrations for fans of a healthy lifestyle!

Vibrations for fans of a healthy lifestyle

Digital Nutrition

Healy – tiny and constructive accessory (composed by your smartphone) that
benefits Individualized Microcurrent Frequency (IMF) plans to reconcile
Energetic Field for much critical fields of lifestyle.

Healy device

It’s simple to begin use Healy device
Just do 3 strides:

Healthy LifestyleDownload

Easily load complimentary Healy app, HealAdvisor app and HealAdvisor Analyse application, you can find their at Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Put in them on smartphone and ensue the directions.

Frequencies for Your LifeSynchronize

Switch on your Healy-device and switch on your phone’s bluetooth communication. Ensue directions in the Healy app to join your phone to your device. So, you will get full approach to every Healy plans and apps.

Frequencies for Your LifeStart

Healy app shows a catalog of accessible IMF programs on your Healy accessory. Choose a program and it will be transfered to your Healy hardware and you simple regulate depth.

Frequencies for Your Life

Plans for Your Benefit

To allow you to merely shop what you true demand, we have orderly Healy’s Individualized Microcurrent Frequency (IMF) programs in various plan bunches, coating different sides for the adjustment of your Energetic Field. Every plan bunch consists a item of Healy IMF programs for a concrete app margin, e.g. “Beauty” or “Job”.
The Healy’s IMF plans can provide you behind simply twenty min app, indifferently what you do: acting entertainments, meditation, at workplace, in apartment, etc.


Quantum Diagnostics

Digital Nutrition

Healthy Lifestyle

Frequencies for Your Life

Vibrations for fans of a healthy lifestyle


Quantum Diagnostics

Digital Nutrition

Healthy Lifestyle

Frequencies for Your Life


How to describe Healy Watch™?

Сompacted economic and innovating: The Healy Watch is not simply an regular fitness private eye or a smart clock. It is an essential, section of the Healy World good kind and a useful supplement to Healy; an great structure part in a modern and radical wellbeing and equilibration scheme! It can be adopted commonly or associated to a Healy via the Healy Watch Connector mod.

Quantum Diagnostics

The Digital Nutrition App

The HealAdvisor Digital Nutrition App proposes Healy IMF DNA* plans that consists vibrancy frequencies for private minerals and vitamins for the harmonization of your Energetic Field.
Moreover it analyzes the biotic items that maintenance your benefit.

Healthy Lifestyle

Digital Nutrition

What about Healy Animal Module?

Microcurrent apps have been applied on animals for decades. The HealAdvisor Animal mod consists 12 major famous Individualized Microcurrent Frequency (IMF) plans for animals.

MagHealyHow about MagHealy?

Recent novelty by Healy company assistances you in harmonization your environment via the issuing of a electromagnetic area. See MagHealy: lighter, portative and low-key, it establishs favourable power all over you turn.

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Who made Healy