Quantum magnetic resonance analyzer with therapy
Through quantum analysis, we feel which part of our body has been affected by our lifetime emotions, change the energy and vibrations of each of our internal organs, observe their current state as a reference point when they begin to function and allow us to recognize the emotions that affect each organ. Quantum magnetic resonance analysis is performed by electromagnetic devices using advanced technology, quantum analysis, as the name suggests, we can read our quantum body with the palm of our hand, so that we can measure the flow of energy in every organ of our body.
It is a fast, accurate, non-invasive and painless test in which portable nerve receptor skin can capture detailed information about all processes occurring in internal organs. By processing the information, it is possible to find a clear picture of the state of the body. The palm can receive external information and respond to irritation caused by mechanical activity (eg. For example, it can transmit information in the form of electric current, magnetic field, biological field, laser or ultrasound) , which means that it can receive this information in the form of signals, then process it in encrypted form and transmit it to the regulatory systems of the organism.
The development of alternative medicine, including quantum medicine, has led to the creation of the Healy device, which is a portable device for laser diagnostics and treatment at home, developed by German and Portuguese scientists and which has absorbed all the most valuable from bioenergy. You can read more about the Healy device on the page – Who made Healy. Enjoy discovering new heights!
Healy company offers you a unique device with smartphone app where you can self-diagnose and treat yourself using Quantum Wave Medicine!
Quantum magnetic resonance analyzer with therapy
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