3 common acupressure points everyone should know
Acupuncture is currently positioned as one of the most effective treatments for migraines, and in general for all types of headaches. Below, we explain the approach of this ancient technique in the treatment of headaches and its effectiveness based on data from recent scientific studies. Migraine or migraine is a disease that affects about 13% of the population, whose main symptom is headache. This neurological disorder, which can be a handicap for patients, occurs in the anterior or entire part of the skull.
The diagnosis of migraine in conventional medicine is complex, because there are no tests-magnetic resonance imaging, X-rays, computed tomography-that can confirm its existence. To make a diagnosis, conventional medicine doctors have to resort to other symptoms, such as photosensitivity, vomiting, nausea, etc. But in Chinese medicine, we use different diagnostic methods and attribute different causes to the development of migraine. For the most part, the effect of acupuncture for migraine relief is anti-inflammatory. In fact, this effect is one of its main benefits as a pain reliever. It has been observed that, in addition to relieving pain, it significantly reduces the serum level of inflammatory factors. In fact, acupuncture is an indicated treatment for all types of pain.
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3 common acupressure points everyone should know
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