What is the definition of quantum medicine
The mind turns into matter by quantum fluctuations and creates the body. Thus, the physical body, and not only its state of health, but also its appearance, is a direct consequence of the mind. The mind, in turn, can be considered a direct consequence of what is happening in your brain: thoughts, emotions and concepts that arise as a result of imagination.
For example, when an emotion or desire increases, that experience generates endorphins in the brain, neurotransmitters that multiply the speed of information flowing through the brain’s neurons. Literally, your brain will become much faster and more powerful, as if increasing the power of your biological and personal computer.
Endorphins multiply and improve neural connections (synapses), change the structure of the brain, create new neural networks, which in turn turn the brain into an amazing positive feedback loop.
And the brain changes the internal physical reality, eliminates the disease by restoring the correct order, the most appropriate quantum fluctuation.
All of this is claimed not by a shaman or healer, but by American Physician Candice Bert, head of Molecular Biology at the US National Institutes of Health, repeatedly nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine and discoverer of endorphins and neuropeptides.
Quantum Medicine is based on the principles, discoveries and advances of quantum physics, which briefly states that everything in the universe vibrates at a unique and individual frequency, including ourselves. Thus, the cells of our organs have a different frequency, that is, the cells that make up the liver vibrate differently from the cells that make up the kidneys.
Quantum Medicine, also known as mind-body medicine, takes a broad view of the human being.
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What is the definition of quantum medicine