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Integrative medicine for rheumatoid arthritis


Integrative medicine for rheumatoid arthritis


Rheumatoid arthritis, although not a widespread disease, can limit the lives of those affected. And the fact is that not only does he have muscle pain, but he also has mental health issues and nutritional issues. Opening a glass, writing, or tying up your shoes are daily activities that may seem simple to many, but pose real challenges for patients with rheumatoid arthritis. This is because, in addition to pain, the pathology implies a disability that can worsen over time, creating a real problem for those affected.
Faced with the first symptoms and the diagnosis, the person presents a period characterized by a psychological imbalance accompanied by anxiety and fear, usually repeated in critical painful situations. The illness is then assumed to be chronic – which usually presents with depressive symptoms with feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, dependency and limitation of activities.
During the illness, when catastrophic thoughts about possible complications predominate, negative emotions (frustration, anger, sadness, fear, depression, guilt) predominate, creating tension that increases pain perception and impedes treatment adherence.
Healy apps by Healy device will allow you to successfully treat rheumatoid arthritis from different sides – starting with energy impact programs: Gold Cycle Program, Bioenergetic Harmony 1, Bioenergetic Harmony 2, Meridians 1, supplementing with psychological assistance programs – Fitness Program and ending with correctly selected Digital Health Nutrition.
Dare, ladies and gentlemens!

Healy company offers you a unique device with smartphone app where you can self-diagnose and treat yourself using Quantum Wave Medicine!

Integrative medicine for rheumatoid arthritis