Alternative medicine what is the meaning
A person seeking alternative-medicine is a person who explores unconventional treatments to treat general medical conditions, particularly focused on pain. Some of the best known alternative therapies are: neuronal therapy, serum therapy, homeopathy, magnetic field, biopuncture, ozone therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, massage therapy, among others.
Thanks to homeopathy, the body tries to create defenses and find a point of internal equilibrium. This alternative therapy administers small doses of drugs that come directly from nature. It should usually be presented in drops or balls. It is some best known and most used therapies.
Biomagnetism, magnetotherapy or magnetotherapy are some of the names of this therapeutic way, based on the application and application of pulsed electromagnetic fields. These reason changes in the torso, especially in the blood. It is used in the treatment of osteoporosis, arthritis, osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia; it is also used as an adjunct to physiotherapy.
In turn, Healy device, is based on the principles of quantum physics, developed by Nikola Tesla and given new life thanks to the joint work of German and Portuguese scientists. At your disposal will be a personal home doctor along with laser diagnostics, which will allow you to carry out a full analysis and treatment of your health. All treatments are bioenergetic, effective and absolutely safe. Healy device gives you the opportunity to deal with your health and spiritual growth in an integrated way, from all possible angles. from digital acupuncture, digital homeopathy, digital herbal medicine, digital flower therapy, digital nutrition and diet, I-Ging, Schuessler Salts, Alaskan Gem Elixirs, Australian Bush Flowers, macrobiotics, manual therapy elements, to in-depth meditation and relaxation programs for energy and psyche!
You can read more about the Healy device on page – Who made Healy.
Dare, ladies and gentlemens!
Healy company offers you a unique device with smartphone app where you can self-diagnose and treat yourself using Quantum Wave Medicine!
Alternative medicine what is the meaning
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