Acupressure points for height increase after 25
Chinese medicine is increasingly invading the Western world as health professionals understand that it helps in the treatment of many diseases. There are many structures in the body: bones, muscles, the liquid part, which can be blood and lymph or other fluids, and there is also an energy component. The nervous system moves through the latter, so that electricity is also present in the body. Acupuncture works with this electricity and helps us move it around so it doesn’t get stuck.
Chinese medicine is based on the Tao or Yin-yang. Therefore, they always appreciate everything that falls between these conditions. In addition, they use the five elements: water, wood, fire, earth and metal, which must always be in balance. If one of them is in place, it affects the others, causing what we call disease. Depending on the extent of the disease, the disease will be milder or more severe. With these energy points there will be situations where we can work better than with others.
To process its states with the energy of the body, there are channels through which it passes and passes through the whole body from head to legs. Each of them corresponds to the body and its functions. In addition, they have certain points with which they can create the necessary incentives to provide a free flow of energy.
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Acupressure points for height increase after 25
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