What is quantum wave therapy Currently, the quest for health and wellbeing has led to NYE additional branches of traditional medicine. The awakening of human consciousness has shown that health goes beyond being in good physical condition. The fact is that the mental and emotional aspects are key factors in feeling perfect. And under this…
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What is quantum sound therapy Holistic medicine is based on the belief that everything is energy. Thus, diseases and physical problems are closely related to an energy imbalance in the body. According to this instruction, treatment is justified. In fact, its function is to promote the body's energy balance, causing blockages and disease. Other principles…
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What is a healy machine A holistic practitioner can benefit from any type of medical treatment, including the necessary alternative therapies. From diagnosis with traditional medicines to drug therapy, the Holistic Doctor can use them to treat the patient. For example, if a person has pulling pain and goes to a holistic doctor instead of…
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Healy device what is it Holistic medicine understands that people suffer from disease when they are attacked by external and internal negative energies. Physical, environmental, social, emotional and mental imbalances can cause various diseases. Then these types of medications are available as a form of treatment that looks at the person as a whole. This…
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Healy resonance co to jest As we know, the Healy device will help you regain your lost health and achieve very good results in terms of physical and emotional well-being. Through frequencies, vibrations and microcurrents, it restores the energy balance for everyone who uses this technology. However, in addition to these advantages, the versatility of…
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What is the definition of quantum medicine The mind turns into matter by quantum fluctuations and creates the body. Thus, the physical body, and not only its state of health, but also its appearance, is a direct consequence of the mind. The mind, in turn, can be considered a direct consequence of what is happening…
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What is quantum energy healing Conventional medicine believes that when the body gets sick, it can make the maken mind sick again. the latest developments in bioenergetic healing demonstrate the opposite: if the mind gets sick, the whole body gets sick. The hope of curing disease and achieving infinite health lies in a new frontier…
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What is the healy device Timeweaver and rife are devices used by qualified therapists for frequent therapy sessions with their clients during appointments. Similarly, a quantum tip sensor measures bioenergetics using micro-cracks and frequencies to stabilize its field. Therapists using time and frequency devices can receive specific treatments through the Healy app. The advantage of…
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What is a healy device Bioresonance is the heart of therapeutic devices developed in Germany in 1977 by Fransa Morella and her son-in-law, engineer Erich Rasche. years, which assess the energy activity of the body, identify possible electromagnetic disturbances (physical and emotional) and speed up the correction via an Internet application (you can turn off…
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What is the healy app Frequency is the rhythm and frequency with which an electrical impulse or sound wave occurs. Everything that surrounds us without exception (objects, plants, people, etc.), has its own frequency field (or vibration). Hence the name of the Healy frequency device. Frequency or bioresonance therapy measures the vibrational frequency of a…
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