Test of function in manual therapy
As the years have passed and physical therapy has evolved, the number of techniques that we can use to treat our patients is increasing, many of which are part of what is known as manual therapy. Manual therapy is defined as a set of techniques and manual maneuvers performed by physical therapists for both preventive and therapeutic purposes, applied at the joint, muscle, fascia and nerve levels to normalize and balance the different systems.
Manual therapy techniques are selected, prescribed and applied by physiotherapists, when indicated by physiotherapeutic and diagnostic studies, in order to obtain direct and / or reflexive physiological responses that balance and normalize the various changes.
We study and treat musculoskeletal, myofascial and nervous systems to relieve pain and discomfort in patients who have failed to improve with more traditional physical therapy. Thanks to the wide range of options in the selection of treatment techniques for our patients, physiotherapists and physiotherapists are able to cope with everything from the smallest injuries to the most serious illnesses. Improvements in this treatment include pain relief, improvement in range and quality of movement, improved nerve mobility, increased muscle length, and restoration of normal function in general.
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Test of function in manual therapy
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