The future of medicine is frequency
The essence of the quantum system is that a new order is formed in the patient’s body, starting with renewal at the cellular, molecular and atomic level. This system is capable of transferring ordered logic functions without physical contact. By forming a new logically ordered reference field, thus creating a certain sequence of directions and values, a wandering movement that occurs at the expense of the affinity of each atom to the effector of the corresponding transducers.
Based on the discovery of quantum physics and the dynamics of branches of the medical community, technologies for measuring, analyzing and treating body vibrations have been developed.
Quantum medicine is viewed as an integrated tool in medical counseling, not as a clinical field in itself; these tools are used to record electromagnetic signals and human vibrational waves. The patient undergoes an examination, during which bandages are placed on the head, ankles and wrists for the registration of electromagnetic pulses; this is a non-invasive and painless procedure similar to electro.
Then the whole human body is monitored for violations of organ functioning, allergies, viruses, lack of vitamins or mineral salts; it measures hormone levels as well as registers emotions. The result of body mapping is compared with a stored database that contains normal values of individual or healthy human norms about the characteristics of the life characteristics of the revised person.
The development of alternative medicine, including quantum medicine, has led to the creation of the Healy device, which is a portable device for laser diagnostics and treatment at home, developed by German and Portuguese scientists and which has absorbed all the most valuable from bioenergy. You can read more about the Healy device on the page – Who made Healy. Enjoy discovering new heights!
Healy company offers you a unique device with smartphone app where you can self-diagnose and treat yourself using Quantum Wave Medicine!
The future of medicine is frequency